Simple Green Living

Simple Green Living

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Why should we live a green lifestyle?

Is a green lifestyle for you?

How should we feel about it? How does it affect us? Should we do anything about it? In fact, can we do anything about it?Climate change, peak oil, genetically modified food, unethical farming practices, recyclingglobal warming,…all these things are headlined in newspapers and other publications everyday!. You don’t require an online degree to realise that we are currently on a path that does not have a positive outcome!.

I came to the conclusion after listening to and reading about these topics that I can only change my realm of influence. And though changing my sphere, others will be touched and will in turn make changes towards a green lifestyle.

What I also realized was that I cannot, nor do I want to, take on industry. There are many groups who have been fighting unethical practices in big business for years. That is their domain! My domain is the 900sq meters of this planet that I call home and how I live on it.

My sphere of influence reaches from my husband and children, to extended family and friends, and today, to you, on this website!

green lifestyleYour decision to live a green lifestyle, towhatever extent you can take it, will have a direct influence on your health, your pocket and your circle of relationships. You will also be thrilled to discover a new sense of food security for your family.

I am not that naive to believe that we, humans, are the only reason for global warming and climate change. I also do not believe that we can completely remedy the mistakes of the past, for some environments and animals it is really too late. But never one to hold onto things I cannot change, I look forward, plan, live, change and move toward a more sustainable living model.

This section of my website is designed to help you think through what a green lifestyle means.

You need to determine how far will you go with your green choices. You can start by implementing these 30 ways to save the planet or you can look at the different ways that you can make steps towards a green lifestyle at home, at work or in your sphere of influence.

And if all this information is too much for you to deal with, then be sure to read how you can make small changes and live green guilt free as well as learning how to embrace a simple lifestyle even in this fast paced 21st century.

Even as a city dweller, there are many changes you can make in your lifestyle to become a green urbanite.

Remember: no excuses! Every day work towards changing something small in the way you live and interact with your own environment.

Each of us can make a difference – will you do your share?

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Updated: July 31, 2014 — 5:13 am

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