I’ve just received a wonderful e-mail listing all the health benefits of a lemon as well as a tip to make use of the whole unpeeled lemon too. Place the fresh and organic lemon without blemishes, in your deep-freeze to become frozen to make it easier to grate. Take a grater and grate this frozen lemon and sprinkle these grated bits on ALL your food and even in your drinks too. By grating the whole lemon with skin and all, will give you five to six times more Vitamin C than what the lemon juice gives.
Lemon apparently fights most types of infections, is an antioxidant, lowers blood pressure and has also anti carcinogenic properties.
If you type the word LEMON in at GOOGLE you will get so many excellent health benefits of an ordinary lemon, when used will benefit most illnesses.
I have a lemon tree in my front garden as well as one in my back garden. If you have the space, consider planting one or two lemon trees in your garden – and be thankful afterwards you can just go outside and pick the lemon, when you need a lemon immediately to either still a cough, ease a sore throat or relief an asthma attack too.