Frugal Living Tips

Natural ant poison

by Natalie E. Rowles
(Pinetown KZN S.A.)

Ant poison with borax and honey

Ant poison with borax and honey

Ant poison with borax and honey Ant poison on a stick

I went into the Internet to get some tips about getting rid of ants in a more "greener" way than buying Ant Traps or poisonous sprays, especially with small children at home in mind.
This is a very old remedy which was also used in my parents' home when I was a child, and effective if used quite often.

ANT BAIT: Number One:

Mix equal parts of Borax powder and Sugar powder (icing sugar)?
together in a saucer and sprinkle it where the ants are troubling you.
They will eat some and carry it to their ant hole where the colony will eat it, their bodies will dry up, and die. Apply a few times and you will get rid of the whole colony this way.

ANT BAIT: Number Two: (more up to date):

Mix one teaspoon of honey with 1/4 teaspoon of Borax powder)
Place it as blobs on places out of reach of children.
Same will happen here, ants will eat enough but not kill them off straight away, so they can carry this honey mix to their ant hole, where the colony of ants will die out - use it also a few times to rid the home from ants for a year or so.

Hope this old fashioned remedy will work for you too.

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