Simple Green Living

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Advantages of Organic Food

Organic food is good for you!

aliments biologiquesLet’s just quickly take a look at the advantages of organic food ~

Greening the way we eat can be divided into a few different areas and you can choose to follow them all or some of the way. Remember making a small change towards organic food habits is better than making no changes at all.

This page is organized from simplest to more complicated to help you switch to a green approach to food.

Advantages of organic food – Better Health Choices

~Organic fruit and vegetables may not contain more nutrients than conventionally produced food (see FSA Study but at least you will not be eating a cocktail of pesticides and poisons too.
~Beef and chicken and other forms of animal protein are treated with hormone supplements and antibiotics.
The residues of these substances are ingested by the person dining on the juicy steak or roast chicken!
~These same pesticides and supplements have been linked to some rather scary diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s as well as certain birth defects.
~There are no harmful preservatives in the foods.
~And organic food simply just tastes better

Advantages of organic food – Ethical Practices

It is ethical to purchase and eat organic food. Yes, in some countries, like mine, organic food tends to be more expensive. But there are ways that you can balance off this cost through green financial choices.

Organic food is ethical on two scores – for farmers and for animals. Many farmers are exploited with unfair pricing of their produce which causes them to barely eek out a living. Becoming a certified organic farmer takes time energy and lots of money.

However, the more people who buy organically the more feasible it becomes for farmers and chain stores to stock organic produce for you and me. Use your buying power and shop organically.

Animals destined for slaughter are cruelly packed into carriages or trucks and transported miles to the abattoir. During this time they have no access to water or food. There are reports of animals dying en route due to dehydration, trampling and fear.

Animals which are raised purely for the table are generally not given the space they need. Battery chickens are one of the worst cases in my book – having no space to move, being debeaked, and being pumped full of growth hormones to reach maturity (thus slaughter) faster.

Here are some easy organic food choices for you to make:

Organic food choice #1

Buy organic vegetables and meat as far as possible. Most stores now have organic food ranges that offer an acceptable variety or seasonal fruit and vegetables.

Search the internet for ethical co-ops and organic suppliers in your area. Organic farmers markets are springing up all over the place and it becomes a lovely Saturday morning activity to go to them to buy your weeks produce.

Start to reduce your food miles with these 10 simple choices.

If you eat animal protein, ask these co-ops or suppliers for a reputable organic butcher.

Organic food choice #2

As well as doing the choices from #1, consider growing vegetables and herbs in pots or smallgarden beds if you don’t have the space for a raised bed veggie garden.

You can also buy seasonal fruit and vegetables in bulk to can or freeze.

Consider making your own bread too from organic grains. You can do this daily by hand or purchase a bread maker.

Make a list of items that you buy all the time (perhaps treats is one of yours!) and rather make a substitute at home.

Take a look at my large make your own section to help you with your organic food choices.

Organic food choice #3

The advantages of organic food in this instance (i.e. growing your own) is that you also reduce your food kilometers – which is how far your food has to travel to get to your plate!As well as implementing the ideas in choices 1 and 2 you can consider doing what I did…in June 2008 we pulled up half of our lawn and flower garden and prepared beds to plant vegetables. We ate less than a quarter of our fresh food supply from these areas but as we learn more we will get larger yields and be able to move away from purchasing fruit and vegetables from the market.

You can read more about our transition to green food at that article.

Go Greener

Choose to cut back on one non-organic food item each month. Replace your processed artificial diet with whole grain organic products…babysteps all the way!

Eat local, buy local!

Learn to cook from scratch


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Updated: October 12, 2013 — 7:41 pm

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