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Home Made Dog Food

How to make home made dog food for those who want to feed their dogs on organic dog food and a more natural diet.

This homemade dog food is sufficient for 5 days for my three dogs. They eat morning and evening. I have through trial and error found what works for us in terms of price and quantities. While there are those who get really hot under the collar about the pet science diets and look for a conspiracy theory when it come to the dog food industry, I just feed our dogs this way as it must be healthier for them.

They also greet their food times with much more enthusiasm, our older dog’s skin condition has improved and their amount of poop is much reduced! (That’s a winner in itself!)

2 kg brown rice
2 kg mince (turkey, beef or tripe) Turkey mince is the most expensive, pets beef mince the cheapest and tripe the smelliest!
A mixture of different vegetables of all colours – carrots, baby marrow, tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, butternut…anything except onions!
1 tablespoon of garlic
1 tablespoon of mixed herbs

You need a REALLY large pot to hold it all. Place the meat in the bottom and pour over 1 litre of water while you chop the greens. Pour the rice over the meat in a while and then another litre of water. Last add the chopped vegetables and simmer until the rice is cooked. This recipe is great for pet owners wanting to feed their dog organic dog food especially when you substitute with organic rice and vegetables as well as organic meat in this recipe to give your dogs the best nutrition.

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aliments pour chiens faits maisonRemember to stir it so that the bottom doesn’t catch.

We give our small dogs a heaped cup morning and evening and our large shepherd 3 cups twice a day.

At lunch time I give them each a raw meaty bone and we also give them a few homemade dog biscuits every day.

If you would like a variety of recipes for you home made dog food, then take a look at this recipe book where you can get 245 dog food recipes to make yourself!

And although this is an unsavoury topic for most – what goes in must come out! Here are three eco-friendly ways to dispose of doggy poop

Wondering what not to feed your dog? Here is a list of dangerous foods for dogs and some other great homemade dog food recipes.

Got cats? Here is a homemade cat food recipe.



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Updated: September 3, 2013 — 1:11 pm

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