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What is Global Warming?

The layman’s guide to understanding global warming!

global warmingEveryday the news reports something more….CO2 levels rising, ice block melting, glacier’s disappearing…

Then on the other side of the global warming debate you have other scientists who say that this is a normal earthly cycle and it will balance out….or you have the folk who write books saying that this is the way the earth helps human kind produce more food for its growing population!

There are also claims that the air is cleaner now than in the 1970’s and even that there are other glaciers that are not disappearing but rather growing!

What is a layman to make of all this information from both sides of the climate change debate? Is global warming fact or fiction? What are the most common global warming myths?

I tend to take the stance that we can see something is going on with our world and as good stewards of it; we need to grow our one-planet-living mentality. We only have one Earth and we were given a mandate to steward it, and for me this means living a green lifestyle

Yes, the companies who are causing deforestation, the airlines with their mega co2 emissions, the car companies who refuse to look at green transport alternatives, governments who play ostrich and stick their heads in the sand…, these are all concerns, but for now each person can take control of their own space.

Is Global Warming real?

Let’s look at what those scientists who say global warming is a new phenomena say are the causes of global warming.

We can also consider the effects of global warming as seen by changes in the worlds oceans and land surfaces.

Consider too the other environmental concerns around ozone layer depletion and the greenhouse effect

Also read about ozone layer depletion and climate change which will help you understand the bigger picture of this debate.

Go Greener

Read up on Global Warming and Climate Change. Here is a handy booklist to choose from.Tell others what you learn, if each person tells one person about a site like mine or some other way to live more green, it helps us all do our bit for the environment.

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Updated: March 12, 2019 — 7:41 am

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