Simple Green Living

Simple Green Living

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Self-sufficient Living

{The mere mention of,Merely mentioning,The terms,In today’s world} ‘Green’, ‘Green Living’, {&,and} ‘Going Green’ {appear,seem,are deemed} to be {verging on,bordering on, on the verge of} overuse {nowadays,these days,currently}. There are {many,far too many,way too many} un-green {companies,businesses,industries} {climbing aboard,jumping on} the green {gravy-train,bandwagon,flagship} merely for {self-embellishment,the sake of increasing their own sales, self-gratifying purposes} plus plenty of green {newbies,novices,wannabes} who {believe,think} that {for as long,as long} as they use {recyclable packaging & bags,reusable bags} at the {local supermarket,local grocery store,grocery store,store} they are {way ahead,light years ahead,light years in front} of {the Joneses,their friends} {further down,down} the {road,street,avenue}.

{There are just so many interpretations,With so many definitions} of ‘green’, it {starts,begins} to make {Joe Public,the public,the public at large} {less sure,desensitized,unsure} to the {issues,plight,problems} of our {own planet,fair planet}. But {becoming,being} green is {urgently required,desperately needed}. If {we all,mankind} {carry on,continues} on {the same path,the identical path,the path} the last {half-century,generation,50 years} has created, we will seriously {jeopardize,compromise} the {future,future prospects for generations to come}.

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Updated: December 20, 2014 — 7:57 pm

Self Sufficient Living

What is self sufficient living? When beginning a journey into green living, a simple lifestyle or even sustainable living this term tends to come up. What does this mean to people? What is the definition? What does it look like? Let’s take a look.

The second definition refers to a person who is self sufficient as “having an extreme confidence in one’s own ability or worth.” This borders on haughtiness and being overbearing! Let us “greenies” never become this!Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines this concept as being “able to maintain oneself or itself without outside aid : capable of providing for one’s own needs”.

Synonyms for this term are “independent, self supporting and self reliant.”

Who looks for self sufficient living?
People who are wanting to regain lost skills of living from the earth.
Those who do not want to work in a 9-5 job
Those who have lost faith in government
Those who would like to pursue freedom from structure
Those who want to live life with a small carbon footprint
And many other reasons.

For some self sufficiency is a running away from the world, for others it is a clearly thought out choice to make a difference in their lives, their families and their communities.

Why are they making this change?
With peak oil concerns, global warming, waste and other worries more people are making the move towards buying a piece of land and learning to grow their own food, raise livestock, make bio fuel and live off the grid.

However pursuing self sufficient living is not a new thing. People have been doing it for years, all the way back to the pioneers. Granted, the pioneers knew no other way, but with the swing towards simple green lifestyles, people talk about this change as something new.

self sufficient living What process do they follow?
Urbanites who want to sell up and move to the country, buy a piece of land and simply start with the basic needs of all people – food, shelter and work. While work comes aplenty on the newly established homestead, food and shelter only come after the work is done.

Many people choose to phase in the move to self sufficient living due to the above fact and purchase land and build their home while still working in the city. They establish vegetable gardens and equip themselves with skills like canning, generatingsolar power and soap making in the meantime.

This means that by the time they get to their completed home on the land, they can certainly be up and running in many areas.

As time goes on this family will learn as they live. Friends who have done exactly as I mention have told me that it is not the romantic lifestyle that many envision, it is simple hard hard work. They have also said that they have to hold very tightly to the goals they laid out as with any crisis, and there are many, it is very easy to want to retreat back to the perceived safety and comfort of a monthly salary check and a steady job where you can walk into any grocery store and buy your food.

In this day and age I believe that we all should be self supporting to some degree, no matter where we live, but for us to turn our back on the wisdom and support of community is not wise.

The term “self sufficient living” should never equal isolated living. Having a likeminded community around you who can share your ups and downs and who can enjoy some leisure time activities with you is very important.

In fact this is another of those fundamental human needs – to be in a loving community with a sense of belonging. If you think of the Amish communities and how together they raised barns over a few days, had corn husking parties, canning days and more, one can realise that you need community around you, and with that community you can achieve so much more than alone.

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Updated: December 12, 2013 — 7:02 am

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