Frugal Living Tips


by Natalie E. Rowles
(Pinetown KZN S.A.)

Strawberry bag worthwhile expense

Strawberry bag worthwhile expense

Strawberry bag worthwhile expense
Protection against any insects
Unprotected strawberry
Ultimate aim of daily strawberry harvest

The article about the strawberry protection bags has brought my first customer who purchased ten strawberry bags to try out on her crop of strawberries before making a larger order for more.
I am so happy to report back that I now got a 100% return on beautiful, blemish-free, double the size SELECTA strawberries at a quicker ripening period than the normal strawberry crops which have been cut down in half with insect damage.

This morning I've noticed something red under some strawberry leaves, and lo and behold, an uncovered strawberry - but ruined by a huge piece bitten off either by a grasshopper or another type of insect. What a waste of a strawberry! Lucky I may still be able to cut out that piece and eat it, as well as make a cup of tea from the strawberry leaves!

I've noticed my cherry tomatoes have also been bitten by insects or grasshoppers, with half of the tomato pieces taken out of it whilst still green, giving only a 1/3 of the crop without bite marks on it too. I have now covered every vegetable and fruit crop with these blue protection bags made in various sizes to suit the fruit or vegetable, and the outcome to date is a 100% unblemished fruit and vegetables too!

So I encouraging you to try and use my bags on all your crops, as I feel then that there is a better return of effort input to get a 100% successful output when harvesting these organic food crops.

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