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Uses for Bicarbonate of Soda

Some simple uses for bicarbonate of soda in your green home.

Bicarb is an alkaline substance that can be used for a variety of household and personal uses.If you are looking for a simple green choice to make, try switching your cleaning habits to the simple products of vinegar and bicarbonate of soda.

Uses for bicarbonate of soda in the home:
Clean brass with a combination of bicarbonate of soda and lemon juice by making a paste with it, applying it to the brass object and then rinse well.

If your carpets need freshening, sprinkle bicarb over the areas, leave for an hour or two, then vacuum as normal.

You can add a pinch of bicarb to cut flowers water.

If your dustbin has an odour, rinse out with water, dry and then place a layer of bicarb in the bottom before replacing the bag.

For odours in cupboards or fridges, place a side plate of bicarb on a shelf which will absorb the smell.

If you have stubborn stains in your bath, basin or toilet you can use a bicarbonate paste to get rid of them. Tea and coffee pots and cups can also be treated for stains by filling the items with water and bicarbonate solution and leaving until the stains are lifted.

If you need an abrasive action on a burnt pot, then dry bicarb does the trick, along with a little elbow grease.

Bicarbonate of soda will treat mildew on shower curtains, walls, showers etc by making a loose paste of it with water, spreading it on the area and then rinsing off 12 hrs later.

Uses for bicarbonate of soda in personal hygiene:
~Bicarb can be safely used in place of shampoo.

~Bicarb can be used as a deodorant by combining bicarb with organic coconut oil acts as a barrier for the bacteria that cause body odour. Simply keep your coconut oil in the fridge and in the morning take a little block off and rub it in your clean armpits. Then follow this with a pinch of bicarb.

~You will be odour free all day, and this combination does not stop the natural process of sweating .It also does not leave stains in armpits of your shirt sleeve.

~A solution of warm water and bicarb is great for soaking combs and brushes in to remove grease and dirt.

You can find out other cleaning uses vinegar here and how to make up more specific green cleaning solutions here.

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Updated: January 7, 2014 — 11:59 pm

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